Monday, October 7, 2013

Visit Steph's NEW Speaker/Biography Site :0)

To learn more about this speaker/author/poet, visit her new speaker site:
To book this speaker:

Thursday, October 3, 2013


We really need the Church to be the church right NOW.
I think about how many people out there lose hope because the govt shut down, financial situations are tight, family loss, domestic violence situations and bullies at school.
And the world cries out.
A pin pricks the infection
With another school shooting...
Mass murder
Bombing etc
A pin pops this boil earth and
Puss and blood are everywhere
And I wonder what it's going to take...
What is it going to take for the Church to step up and shine some light here in America?
Instead of attacking with political agendas and strategizing to gain more members...
What could we stand to lose if we focused on being loving again?
Not "here's a hug - see you next week" loving.... But "how can I bless your life - even if it gets messy or inconvenient for me" loving!
The mobilization of people bringing love to others, hope, and comfort to others... The radical message of hope that they are loved whether they be democratic, republican, other..., gay, bi, transgendered, innercity or rural region!
We are ALL hurting! What will it take?
Some of us are okay with begging Jesus to come back now "gots me my ticket Lord, so come now!"

Well I dare to say that you bought a scalper's ticket... Good for nothing... Scribbled on rice paper. Because if you can't be love, can't bring blessing and hope, can't inconvenience yourself... Then you wear the shirt but you are not a member... You watch the game but you aren't on the team... You have an idea but you don't have a way of life!
Be a church or be a country club.

We need the Church to come back here so desperately. "what's any of the mess on tv got to do with the church, Stephanie?" Exactly my point. More bad news than good - but I thought we had good news for all people? I thought we had hope and light and love to share with people? The community is a mirror image of the faith that WE have!
Let me say that again... The community is a MIRROR IMAGE of the faith that WE have.

If we believe that Jesus is our protector and provider... Why are so many so hopeless?

We got work to do!
(c) Stephanie Josiah 10/3/2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You are...

My name is Stephanie Josiah and I was thought of before the creation of the world... God chuckled at the thought of who I'd be... The ups and downs... The sick humor and mood swings... He thought of me before the first cells divided in my mother's womb... Guarded me from infection, cradled me in warmth and held me in place... He thought of me before I opened my first birthday present... He planned... how many birthdays I'd have and all the life lessons I would learn... He sent me my husband... Created him to catch my eye and shaped his heart to attract my curiosity... Designed our children... Gave us an angel to share precious time with... Created him to be one of our greatest teachers...
He sings over and giggles with our family. He knew us before we knew ourselves... Every moment - ever present... He delights in our existence and wants to be in relationship with us.

We are blessed to know him as Planner, Creator, Protector, Healer, Gifter, Father, and Friend.

We are blessed! Of all the people we could have been... He enjoyed the idea of us being exactly who we are!

Are you feeling loved, protected, planned for, thought of, and blessed?

Because you are :0)

<3  Stephanie Josiah 9/15/2013

Confessing Culture in Church

Creating a confessing culture in the church instead of a masquerade:

Okay, starting with me...
I cuss like a sailor sometimes because it makes me laugh, helps me vent, or emphasizes a point (something I hide during church hours, around kids, the elderly, or most humans)

I admit I have a bit of an anger managment issue. The thought of slapping people soothes me on tough days (I suppose that isn't... really loving my neighbor completely heh?)

I say I hate lying and that I honor honesty above all other traits, but I can lie better than the best of them. (only when necessary... Uh huh... Still a sin)

I haven't "arrived", found "enlightenment", or "achieved spiritual grandeur"... Oh that's right, because such a thing is impossible for me because even when I'm not planning to sin - I do.

I'm afraid of large groups of people when I am the only female, black person, tall person, shapely person, light skinned person, or unfiltered person...

I hate certain people (oopsy)...

I prefer to NOT witness to scary men on the street (eek)...

I enjoy pulling pranks... I used to crank call the offices at my old church (aheh)

And I threw my husband to a dancing cougar just this past weekend and was rebuked by a classroom of older couples at our strong bonds retreat and I'm STILL happy I did it!!! (For the memories and blackmail pics)

I sinned at least once today... I said some choice words when I saw a puppet that costs $42.00 and encouraged a fellow shopper into being disgruntled about the prices...

I'll probably sin tomorrow too. I'm not scared about it either... Since that seems to be in my nature...

But, despite all of this... God made me because He wanted me here. I live and breathe and it delights Him. My every mistake is transparent to Him and He loves me anyway and He wants me to tell you that no matter how unlovable you think you are... No matter how horrible you think you've been... He loves you, He wants a friendship with you... Jesus was called "friend of sinners" by pharisees (as an insult) LOL well then I want to be a sinner, NOT a pharisee! I'm happy to know Jesus would rather be caught sitting at lunch with my family (burping and saying nasty stuff about darts and poop and butts)... Than sit next to some holy holies in a church building (faking perfection) Let's make the Church human again!

Let's stop faking it... We all have issues. But the one that hurts us most is not believing that we STILL were worth dying for (even with all the junk)!!!

Stephanie Josiah 9/12/2013

9/11 FaceBook Status

Never forgotten are the
families of the fallen on 9/11
Never forgotten are the first
responders who swapped fates

Men and women in uniforms,
Business suits, and jumpers...
Risking all to help someone inside
Or outside of wickedly warped metal
Blinded in dust clouds and smoke
Scratching around reaching
Searching for stranger, friend, or foe
In human chaos

These survivors, these heroes, and the ones taken from us...
All swirling around in the confusion with one thing in mind

Their kids, their wives or husbands...
Their families, estranged or not...
The last words they should have said... And the struggle to make it back if only just to say

I love you.
The fear and anger that must've been
Competing for their mind's focus
But they conquered giant towers...

Greatest fears and prejudices
To put others before self
And we honor their memory
We honor their efforts

Because the hardest daily decision most of us have to make
Is "red or blue tile?" or
"should I forgive this person?"

"One pump of vanilla today or hazelnut?"
I hear their voices ringing clearly
"we only do this thing called life here ONCE... Don't waste the gift, don't hate your enemy, don't fear what could happen... LIVE WELL! LOVE WELL! And bless someone everyday"

Hours before 9/11...
Their daily decisions were no harder than most of ours.

What hero, what greatness is sitting deep inside of us -
That could use a little
Basic training?

(c) Stephanie Josiah 9/11/2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


(c) Stephanie Josiah 8/22/13

I didn't sign up for this
To be heavy in my heart
Happy moments colliding
With darkened corners

Frenemy-memory floods in
No use building barricades...
The center of my ancient
Tower- soul found vulnerable

Outer walls toppled down
A city of corpses keep me
Company... My mind rotting
At the thought

I am unable to save
Peaceful - jolly seconds but
tiny candles in a storm

Blown out
You are gone
My old world ruins
Tell the tale

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WOF conference

I just finished attending the Women of Faith Conference in Washington, DC and it was amazing.  One thought that popped up in my mind was, "is God leading me toward becoming a speaker for events of this magnitude?  It would certainly be a lot more faces looking back at me."  A bit of a chuckle started to stir inside and I said, "Okay, so much for my social anxiety.  You will do what you will with my life, Lord!  I am excited about whatever you have in store for my life.  Be it on a small scale or large, I am going to tell as many people as I can about all that you have done for me and I will honor you and give you all the glory.  Now if that is the kind of person that they need on that stage... then God - I'm your gal!!!"

Please lift me up in prayer as I continue to make moves toward more and greater speaking opportunities.  Please pray with me that I will always remember that my qualifications are simply what God has done for and through me... not anything that I've done for myself.  Please pray that I continue to be humble, that I keep my heart and mind open to growth opportunities, that I use my mouth to bless and uplift people, to challenge and grow people... and that the words that come from my mouth are from Him.  I don't know where this journey is taking me... all I know is that if Jesus is in the boat... I'm getting in!!!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

But You See Three Poem

But You See Three
By: Stephanie Josiah
8/3/2013 @ 11:35pm

Social anxiety takes on
New meaning
Three children swinging
From my arms but

Always ask

How many...

"How many children do you have?"

Instantly the walls tumble
Like drying linen
The fresh flesh wound about
My breast uncovered

Spotlights glare down on
broken sternum and
Busted arteries
Every hero has a weakness

The cape on my back
Now a flag of surrender
I am no champion
I lost my gooey-cheeked toddler

How do I start to explain
When I answer "four"
But you see