Thursday, March 15, 2012

Upcom!ng B()()k

The Pregimony of Stephanie Josiah is the book that I am in the editing stages of.  This book is about the journey that my family and I went through during my very complicated pregnancy with twin boys.  No spoilers here LOL.  But I will say that God showed up over and over, and in various ways too, to remind us that we were not forgotten and that He has been, is, and always will be bigger than our problems.

My hope and prayer for this book is that it will encourage people who are going through hardships and that it will prepare them to keep their eyes open (watchful) for the hands of God working in and all around their lives.  No matter what the outcome, God will be glorified and those who believe that He has planned what is best for them... will be victorious- even when prayer was not answered in the way they had hoped!

Never forget that you are not alone!!!  But if you need a reminder sometimes, you need only ask Him :~)

I will let you know when this book is available - check in soon!



Monday, March 12, 2012

I Published My Very First Book!!! :)

It is official!  My very first book, a non-fiction, entitled "BITTER: When Church Leaves That Not Too Pleasant Aftertaste" has been published and is available, if you want to buy a copy, on

Teaser From the Book's Back Cover:  "This is probably not your idea of a regular Christian book. Stephanie Josiah has taken life-changing moments in her personal walk and followed it all up with a very powerful warning. Starting with some of her most challenging childhood moments and leading up to the challenges that she faces today, Stephanie is pulling no punches. Ephesians 5:8-14 calls us to be light. This little book has a whole lot of light in it!"

Here is the link so you can hop-skip directly to it  BITTER: When Church Leaves That Not Too Pleasant Aftertaste
When you order it, whenever you finish reading it, if you have any questions / comments / or constructive criticism feel free to leave me a comment under this post.  I will get back to you as soon as I am able!  Thanks so much for the love and support :)